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Fans in a 3D printer help control heat during the printing process. They cool different parts of the device, helping it work smoothly and safely. 

These are various types of fans:

  1. Hot-end cooling fan: This fan keeps the upper part of the assembly cool. It stops the heat from moving up the path where the filament passes, avoiding jams and making sure the filament flows correctly.
  2. Part cooling fan: This fan speeds up the cooling of newly laid down filament layers, enhancing the print quality by aiding in quickly solidifying the material and creating sharp corners and overhangs.
  3. Control board cooling fan: It cools the printer’s control board, preventing it from overheating and ensuring the steady working of essential components, like the motor drivers and microcontroller.
  4. Power supply cooling fan: Present in some power supplies, this fan keeps the power system cool, especially during long printing sessions, ensuring safety and efficiency.
  5. Enclosure cooling fan: If the printer has a covered build area, this fan helps circulate air inside, controlling the temperature to avoid overheating.

Understanding the role of each fan helps users maintain their printer effectively, guaranteeing a longer lifespan for the printer.


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